Mosaic Artwork
I had a very special weekend in Scotland with my friend Lesley and her family in November 2012. We shared a room in a haunted B&B! Lesely told me of being woken up about 3am by the TV coming on standby, then feeling a tug on her sheets - aaahh! I didn't thankfully, but at that time I was already using energy protection and Reiki to ensure I have a sound sleep without any pesky spirits playing tricks.
I decided to try a mosaic piece on Reiki as this is when I was beginning to study this at Lendrick Lodge. I really enjoyed piecing together the random pieces of tile - a bit like piecing together pieces of our life to make a whole, very mindful and relaxing. It was a little worrying though completely covering the finished design with grout, but extremely pleasing polishing it away to reveal the finished piece.
Reiki Mosaic
I was drawn to use the vision of how we focus Reiki in through the Crown Chakra and out through the Lao Gong, or energy centre from the palms of our hands. I was pleased to find two nice circular pieces to represent the Soul Star Chakra above the crown and the Earth Star below the feet, the main seven chakras and their commonly associated colours, all surrounded by our various energy bodies or aura.