Activities at Cobleland Campsite

Chocolate Quest

Nice and busy here now that the Commonwealth Games have started nearby in Glasgow, but I think everyone was there as there were only three for the Chocolate Quest today.  This week's subject to answer nature questions was insects. Did you know that mosquitoes kill more people a year than any other animal species in the world put together! But we love insects as they all have a place in the world helping to create a healthy balance :-).


I think the grown-ups wanted a rest so we ran a kids version of this with Frankie, Sarah and Georgie.  Sarah made me laugh when she said that she thought Will sounded like a cockney farmer :-).  This makes sense actually as most people think that he is from the west country, but the Pompey or little London twang must make him sound from London too.  After learning about some edible plants and insects we all jpined hands and hugged one of the massive Douglas Firs to say thank you for all the tea that we make from it's needles.  We then made a couple of dens, Georgie and myself made a cupboard to keep some wood sorrel and and a little fence.

Magick Wands

Here are some of today's magickal wands.

From left: Amy's Willow, Janet's Oak (Rebecca's Mum) and Rebecca's Willow wands.Esmee, Georgie and Susie also made Willow wands and Oliver a hazel wand - hopefully he can now do a spell to speed up his recovery of a broken arm after slipping on a magazine at home!

Wacky Forth Races


From left:

Georgie - Fast Boat (6th)

Lewis - The Awesome Lego Movie (3rd)

Charlie - The Coke Boat (1st)

Harry - Bob (9th)

Molly - Casandra (8th)

Cara - Milky (4th)

Frankie - The Bat Machine (5th)

Sarah - The Fur Machine (7th)

Amy & Rebecca - Team Potato (2nd) pictured below - loving the peace sign :-)

Bat Walk

Lots for the bat walk which meant that we could have a good old game of bat and moth!  Cara, Molly, Charlie and Harry's Dad Nicky pulled the short straw and had the task of eating all the moths :-)


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