Reiki Experiments
Tomato Experiment 2023
2024 Sunflower Experiment
As part of my Reiki Teacher training course, I decided to see if I could physically see the results of raising the vibration of food. I knew the positive affects of Reiki for plants, food, water and all beings, so for teaching purposes and to inspire future students I started my first experiment.
I knew of stories of using positive against lower vibrational words to measure the affects of plant growth, both spoken and written, but I could only find an IKEA experiment online promoting bullying awareness. Ever since my own Second Degree Reiki training in 2013, where I was introduced to Dr Emoto's work, I have been particularly interested with science measuring the usually unseen energetic. Dr Emoto worked with water, froze it into crystals and magnified it to see the snowflake-like water crystals which showed the affects of pollution, words, thoughts, music and transformation. The crystal shapes that formed depended on the vibration of the water with various influences. Some results can be viewed on Office Masaru Emoto. Emoto's work is especially interesting, as our bodies are of a high percentage of water and so the affects of words, thoughts and vibrations will affect our energetic vibration. As everything is energy, it is of course not just the water within us that is affected, but our whole system. We are not always aware of the energetic affect on us, especially the power of our own thoughts, so this I find is a helpful reminder to be mindful of the importance of compassion to ourselves and others, without blame or judgement, as we are all growing and learning at different rates.
7th May & 20th
Tomato seeds planted and then sprouting. All soil is organic but with no energetic influences at this stage from myself.

3rd June
Nine of the strongest looking plants were replanted and divided into three larger pots.

12th July

3rd August
Plant 1 on the left corner, with the positive words and Reiki, was starting to grow taller than the other two plants.

11th September
Plant 1 can be seen standing taller, the other two, particularly plant 3 is looking droopy, sad and difficult to keep holding up with string. All are providing fruit.

12th September
The biggest and most ripe fruit were taken from each plant.....

15th September

21st September
A gift from plant 1, I love you!

10th October

2024 Sunflower Experiment