Activities at Cobleland Campsite

A busy day again starting with a Chocolate Quest about insects, then four pesky, giggly lads on Bushcraft and Survival with a real fascination for fire.

Magick Wands

Ten magick makers in the tent, here's Morvin Willow wand, complete with a sylph or faerie of the air.


Wacky Forth Races

Five wacky rafts for the race and this week they all crossed the line :-)!


From left: 

Alfie & Masie - The Black Pearl Nae Encatchable (5th)

Dougie - The DJ (3rd)

Meaghan & Imogen - The Cobleland Raft (2nd)

Morvin - Fairy (4th)

Seth - Trouble! (1st)

Dusk Watch

It was a particularly spooky dusk watch as it seemed to get dark really fast! This was good though as it meant that we could play the night vision game to see if anyone could guess the colour of the crayon before we blew the night vision in one of our eyes to see the difference in how our eyes work in the dark. Morvin just about stayed awake, but she really enjoyed it :-).


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