Last Activity Weekend at Cobleland Campsite

We've had a lovely but emotional last weekend here at Cobleland, this will always be a happppeeee place for us and thank you to all those who we have met and who have joined in with our activities over the years who have helped to make it so special.  Scotland has proved an enriching experience in so many ways and it now feels like our second home, so thank you to all the lovely people of Scotland for making us feel so welcome, this land here is indeed very special and magical! Who knows where our journey will take us next but I'm sure we will come back soon and often.

Teapot Cottage

Will has just about finished creating Teapot Cottage using reclaimed wood or off-cuts from the forest.  A couple of pesky vandalism incidents in the summer meant the finish time was delayed, but hopefully now that it is a finished sturdy structure kids will just love coming across this in Teapot Wood and look after it for both themselves and the faeries to enjoy.

We had a few tackle the Chocolate Quest in Teapot Wood on Saturday and the day finished off lovely with a great bat walk long with 25 campers (and 2 rather fluffy dogs) eager to learn about and to see the bats.

Here Dave the bat is about to try to devour all the little moths, he got one!

The Wacky Forth Races

Our last race attracted a few, plus campsite managers, Lesley and Graham decided to try their luck too!

Rafts Pictured from left with Jasmine, Sam, Rosie and Darah:

Scarlett - The Rescue Boat (3rd)

Connie - Teen Zombie From Mars (Connie was stuck for a name for her raft, the name eventually came from the top she was wearing)

Darah - Mushrooms Beautiful (2nd)

Jasmine - The Dead Boat (1st - and overall reigning champion for most wins during the season)!

Rosie - Speedy (4th)

Sam - The Ship of Doom

Duncan - The African Queen

Graham - The Barfly

Lesley - We'll Miss You!

Well done to all who have taken part in this 'adrenaline rush' sport that is  'The Wacky Forth Races'. The anxiety of which has come more from watching the rafts meander through the obstacles of trees and adverse wind conditions rather than the speed of the river lately though.  I'm sure the rain will return soon but in the meantime thanks for such lovely weather this season and for not having to cancel many activities!

Surprise Tea Party

That sneaky Lesley is getting a dab hand at surprise parties lately! What a lovely surprise after our last event today to get together with everyone and stuff ourselves with cake, cake, a biscuit and more cake :-).  Thanks for all your lovely gifts and well wishes and thank you Lesley and Graham for always being so lovely and for helping and supporting us along the way.... and for this amazing cake to take away for our trip to Knoydart - that should keep us going!

The twins, Chaos and Mayhem, made this lovely picture for us today. Very accurate eh, I love how kids are so observant :-)

Keep in touch everyone! We'll keep you all posted if we are back in the area, or planning any events wherever we are as it will be lovely to meet up.  I'll be adding interesting nature stuff and more to the main website this winter too.

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