The Search for the Elves' Cure - Chapter Four

The Oak

Oak, the Great Protector took seven hours to complete.  I loved drawing the roots and ivy detail. 

"In time, exhaustion got the better of them and they rested by the trunk of an old oak tree.  The roots were filled with rabbit holes and moss covered the ancient bark."

Chapter Four - Oak

Here we meet Georgious the Gnome, as the children discover that they were blocking the entrance to his home when they fell asleep the night before.  But, what is the strange green mist that surrounds them and is Georgious all that he seems?

Within the oak bark is the tree Ogham, which tree folklore suggests that oak trees help us with strength, grounding and patience.  Oak are one of the slowest growing of trees and can support about two thousand different species, so a very important tree to protect, especially ancient oak woodlands!

More Illustrations for The Search for the Elves' Cure

Elves Cure Seal